gesturing towards pluriversality
A Pluriverse is a vision, an imaginary, and a compass gesturing towards a world where many worlds coexist. Not in a clash of civilizations; but in harmony, cooperation, collaboration.
Gesturing towards pluriversality is profoundly counter-hegemonic.
It eschews the notions of Supremacy, Separation, Hierarchy, and Colonialism; it is, instead, predicated on Relationality, Nonduality, Democracy, and Decoloniality.
A pluriversal vision is a reclamation of the way the world is, and has always been. Entangled, enmeshed, interconnected, inter-related, networked, and relational. Each one of us exist in indelible interconnectedness with Life.
As we stand on the brink of an existential crisis, moving towards pluriversality is not merely a choice. It is perhaps the only way we can reclaim our humanity, and co-create regenerative futures.
It is an invitation to reimagine a world beyond anthropocentrism, growthism, and consumerism. Instead, a pluriversal vision roots for a world that recognizes the profundity of making kin and becoming with. And is an invitation to become Earthzens.

In this liminal space between two worlds, one dying and the other painfully being born, lie possibilities, potentials, and power. To reimagine, regenerate, and recreate.
This website is an invitation to join in the Journey of sensing and weaving of the many strands of narratives that are being woven all over the world. These strands are shaping an interconnected web of healing and regeneration infused with the powers of many voices, many stories.
A new world is being born. We are witnesses, stewards, bridge-builders, storytellers, and story seekers.