keynotes. webinars.
podcasts. panels.
I speak about Pluriversal Futures that are visibly emerging from the collapse of the hegemonic monomyth that has been running the show for more than five centuries.
The old narrative of infinite growth and hegemonic control is rapidly disintegrating into a polycrisis rapidly devolving into a metacrisis and a Crisis of Sensemaking. We are in an Age of Dissonance characterized by extreme isolation, meaninglessness, and fragmented and fractured societies. Just when our global civilization most needs to collaborate, we are seeing the rise of brutal violence, bigotry, and ethno-nationalism at an unprecedented scale. It is obvious that this path spells doom.
The unipolar, neo-colonial, capitalist, and hegemonic narrative is tearing apart the very fabric of our societies and communities, and shredding the web of life that holds this fragile yet resilient and regenerative planet together. The hegemony is profoundly anti-community and anti-collaboration.
Predicated on the narrative of separation, the hegemonic constructs do their best to keep us isolated, fearful, polarized, and frustrated. Unraveling the hegemony, and truly seeing the world for what it is--a glorious, abundant, entangled, and interdependent web of life in dynamic equilibrium--is the Journey.
We are meant to explore, to seek, to push the limits of our potential as human beings. And this is what we are being called to do as we bear witness to and midwife the birthing of a New Era.
I propose reclaiming our Pluriversal World--a world where many worlds coexist. It is a world predicated on Relationality, Non-duality, Decoloniality, and Democratic Participation. It is a reclamation of our humanity, indelible interconnectedness, and a worlding with our more-than-human relations.
Pluriversality eschews the hegemonic notions of anthropocentrism, growthism, and thingification. A Pluriverse is a more-than-human worlding of 'multispecies storytelling', and about 'making kin', and 'staying with the trouble'.
In brief, pluriversality is our natural state. The universe is a hegemonic concept imposed as an imperial-colonial vision on the rest of planet, where one worldview and way of being--the Eurocentric one--claimed superiority. I speak about:
What is a Pluriverse?
What does reimaging pluriversal futures entail?
What capacities do we need to nurture and nourish to become harbingers of pluriversal futures?
What kinds of organizations are needed to lay the foundations of pluriversal worlds?
What role does leadership play in heralding pluriversal futures?
How can we move from an Era of Dissonance to an Age of Resonance?
How do unshackle ourselves from the dangers of a single story?
How do we sense into and listen to the myriad narratives that hold the seeds of regenerative futures?
Why is the vision, imaginary, and praxis of a Pluriversal World so crucial today?

The web of life is messy, non-linear, porous, fluid, interconnected and entangled. The margins and edges flow into each other; the boundaries are places of potential and possibilities where cultures, stories, and communities intersect, intermingle, and weave into evocative tapestries of richness.
Speaking on Pluriversality
In the video below, I discuss What is a Pluriverse? at the Oslo Innovation Week, September 2024. I talk about the unseen, unheard, unacknowledged, and deliberately delegitimized narratives that have been remained in the edges and margins. And how this erasure has led to a hegemonic monomyth running amuck with disastrous consequences. Even as we stand on the brink of planetary collapse with possibly seven of the nine planetary boundaries crossed, possible looming sixth mass extinction, and fire, floods, and furies sending their furious messages, it is time to reimagine and re-member our narratives.
In the video below, I discuss How we can reimagine a pluriversal world and future? at the Oslo Innovation Week, September 2024. It begins with accepting that the concept of the universe is a myth; only when see through the veils of illusion can we see myriad pathways opening up towards regenerative futures. Only then can we begin to reimagine a world beyond borders, transboundary and transnational, where we are not restricted and limited in our imaginations. It is an invitation to shed the limitations of manmade borders and see the Earth as our collective home, a pluriverse of many ontologies, epistemologies, and cosmologies.
Keynotes. Webinars. Podcasts. Panels
To invite me for any of the abovementioned offerings, you can directly write to me at sahana2802@gmail.com

I do Webinars on specific topics related to pluriversality tailored to the attending participants. The webinars are designed to be interactive allowing participants to engage in dialogues and Q&As. Get in touch for details.
I participate in Podcasts aligned with my themes of counter-hegemonic, decolonial, and participatory world-building. Get in touch for details.
I speak on Pluriversality and what it means in the context of the organizations of the future, shifting leadership paradigms, regenerative futures, and reimagining our foundational narratives. I offer both in-person and online keynotes.
I participate in and facilitate dialogues related to regenerative futures, reimagining our civilizational trajectory, and reclaiming the deliberately delegitimized narratives towards building socially just and thrivable worlds. Get in touch for details.
To inquire about speaking engagements, write to me at sahana2802@gmail.com
Recent Conferences

"I'm super excited and humbled to have Sahana Chattopadhyay as our guide and wayfinder next month for "The Pluriversal Playhouse" on September 24th. A lot of her writing has inspired the thoughts and ideas in this discourse. If you haven't subscribed to her writings yet, do so. I personally love the writings on reconstructing the pluriverse and deconstructing the hegemony writings."
~Cinthya Sopaheluwakan
You can listen to the talks here:
r3.0 Conference--Just Transitions to Regenerative Economies & Cultures: https://conference2024.r3-0.org/speaker/#chattopadhyay
TFSX Dialogue: https://bit.ly/4ehYDGw
Oslo Innovation Week, The Pluriversal Playhouse: https://bit.ly/4efmtCA
Selected Speaking Events
Facilitating Emergence and Generative Communities: In conversation with Al Jeffery, we explore what might happen if we saw organizations as communities, the soft skills of facilitating emergence, befriending uncertainty, generative dialogue and self-practices for resilience.
On Community, Leadership, and Befriending Uncertainty: In conversation with Michael Garfield of Future Fossils, on the power of communities in uncertain times.
The Inside Out Show LIVE with Sahana Chattopadhyay: In conversation with Garry Turner and Lucy Bramley.
"Sahana's ability to condense super complex, highly diverse strands of thinking, vision, understanding and impact across the regeneration, design and living systems space into truly poetic writing and collaborations, yet deliver piercing clarity and call to actions at the same time."
Forthcoming book:
Reimagining Pluriversal Futures
Get in touch

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Maharashtra, India