Pluriversal Planet
a world where
many worlds fit
Welcome to this website dedicated to exploring and cultivating pluriversal future(s). I delve into the transformative concepts that can reshape our worlds and guide us towards regenerative, just, and thrivable futures.
Welcome to Futures Sensing
The compasses for gesturing towards pluriversal futures:
Decolonizing Our Imaginations. First step in moving towards pluriversal futures is to unshackle our imaginations from the artificially imposed constructs of hegemony.
Reactivating Exiled Capacities. Reclaiming our inherent humanity is core in this journey; our humanity is currently held hostage by hegemonic monomyth of power, profit, and privilege.
Designing Regenerative Organizations. Organizations are microcosms of societies; they can transform from mere profit-making machines of production to life-sustaining ecosystems and intentional communities by reimagining their raison d'etre, their foundational narratives, metaphors, visions, and purpose.
Developing Facilitative Leadership. Leadership has lost its meaning under hegemony; facilitative leadership is about restituting the true meaning and purpose of leadership as 'they who enable the crossing of thresholds'.

Supported by Foundational Practices and Tools and Frameworks, this Journey is a quest and a pilgrimage. This is also an invitation to step into new rhythms of collaboration and co-creation that embraces our fullest potentials and possibilities.
To enquire about Keynotes, Podcasts, Webinars, and Workshops, write to me at: sahana2802@gmail.com.
The Futures Sensing Journey is a deeply counter-hegemonic and decolonial gesture to reclaim our imaginations, our humanity, and our indelible interconnected and entangled worlds. Predicated on Relationality, Non-duality, Democratic Participation, and a world beyond Anthropocentrism, this journey helps us break the invisible fetters of the hegemony.
The Monomyth
Moving towards regeneration and pluriversal futures require us to unravel and unshackle ourselves from the invisible fetters of the hegemonic monomyth. This monomyth has permeated all aspects of our lives rendering us incapable of seeing and sensing beyond to the beautiful worlds our hearts know is possible.
For the first time in our recorded history, we are a uber-connected, globe-spanning, planetary civilization. We have access to limitless technology, data, and knowhow. Nonetheless, our civilization today is characterized by:
Multiple simultaneous systems failure
Possible Sixth Mass Extinction
Breaching of at least 6 of the 9 planetary boundaries
Destabilization of bioregions beyond 'carrying and caring capacities'
An economic monomyth imposed through increasing violence
Exploitation of society's most vulnerable
Obscene disparity in wealth and access
Disregard for all forms of life--humans and other-than-humans
We have become unsustainable--the greatest threat to ourselves and all sentient beings. It doesn't have to be this way.
Our current global challenges--a polycrisis--stem from a Eurocentric and hegemonic worldview imposed on the rest of the planet as an imperial-colonial project. For more than 500 years, this monomyth of infinite growth has been running the show. By delegitimizing other ways of being, seeing, sensing, and relating, this hegemonic worldview has brought us to the brink of collapse. The diagram below briefly illustrates the deadly Molochian path of this narrative.

Another World is Possible
We are in a collective crisis of sensemaking because, in our deepest beings, we know that we are being shortchanged. Is this the best we can do with our humanity, imaginations, centuries of insights and wisdom, and globe-spanning technology? Is this truly the pinnacle of our civilization? Will we continue to allow ourselves to held hostage by a monomyth controlled by a few oligarchs and plutocrats? They be few; we are multitudes, billions, myriad and diverse.
In this liminal space between collapse and creation, between despair and hope, lie unimagined potentials to reclaim the the beautiful world our hearts know is not only possible but that we are the co-creators of emergent futures.
The movements dotting the planet are harbingers of this pluriversal futures, where the unseen, unheard, unacknowledged voices are once again emerging from the edges and margins. The hegemony is imploding; the center cannot hold.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold...
The Second Coming, William Butler Yeats, 1919
We are in apocalyptic times. Apocalypse is a time of uncovering, disclosure, revelations. We are being called to bear witness to what is being revealed. An era of changes is giving way to a Change of Era. We are in the midst of a Phase Shift, the Great Turning.
The Futures Sensing Journey is about preparing ourselves to step into this emergence, the unfolding. We are being called to hospice what no longer works, to midwife what wants to be born, and lay the foundations of a world where many worlds fit. It is an invitation to:
Stay with the trouble. Move from 'solutionism' to holding space for questions, befriending uncertainty, listening to inner wisdom
Make kin. Shift from hegemonic notions of separation to knowing that we are indelibly interconnected with all of life
Engage multi-species storytelling. Move beyond anthropocentrism to reimagine the core stories, metaphors, and symbols
Become with. Reclaim the unheard, unseen, deliberately delegitimized stories that hold the seeds of regeneration
Join me in this Quest towards pluriversal futures.

Rabindranath Tagore, Asia's first Poet Laureate, wrote about pluriversality more than a 100 years ago. He conceived ‘of a kind of federation of nations' in which each contributes its own characteristic philosophy.
"The days of petty nationalism are numbered—let the first step towards universal union occur in the fields of Bolpur. I want to make that place somewhere beyond the limits of nation and geography—the first flag of victorious universal humanism will be planted there.
To rid the world of the suffocating coils of national pride will be the task of my remaining years. The cult of the Nation, as practised by the nations of Europe, led inevitably to an escalating cycle of conflict, where ‘machine must be pitted against machine, and nation against nation, in an endless bullfight of politics." ~ Nationalism (1917)

Forthcoming book:
Reimagining Pluriversal Futures
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Maharashtra, India