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writer, speaker, pattern seeker

Founder of Proteeti, a Sanskrit word meaning "wisdom that transforms"

After spending more than two decades in the corporate world of multinationals as a Learning and Development Architect, Organization Change Professional, Coach and Facilitator, I realized that mainstream business did not have the foundational capacities to be regenerative and life-sustaining.

I left to pursue a quest for designing regenerative businesses. This meandering journey took me from regeneration to decolonialism and pluriversality. Since then, I know that regeneration must be founded on a world that is counter-hegemonic and decolonial. Otherwise, it becomes another movement that will be coopted by the hegemony in service to the status quo.

This long journey of almost a decade have helped me to crystallize my approach and methodology, which I call Futures Sensing. This comprise three fundamental Compasses of Transformation:

  1. Decolonial Imaginaries

  2. Reactivating Exiled Capacities

  3. Designing Organizations as Wayfinders

My Writing and Speaking engagements are premised on these three foundational paradigms. I also offer them as a Course customized to the needs of organizations embarking on this Journey. Organizations can become the microcosms of the world we wish to inhabit and bequeath.

It is my endeavor to enable organizations:

  • to serve Life and impact planetary healing

  • to cultivate capacities for facilitative leadership

  • to be platforms for building capacities for pluriversal futures

  • to be 'islands of sanity' holding space and nurturing emergence

  • to be regenerative in the truest sense of the word

Forthcoming Book

I am tentatively calling the book, Reimagining Pluriversal Worlds.
I am letting its emergent unfolding guide my sensemaking and writing,
and remain a witness to the Change of Era.

The book is a compass for navigating the uncharted territory of this liminal space between stories. It contains models, frameworks, and tools to help steer a course toward possible futures.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a living document of questions about the vision of a pluriverse and my offerings.
The questions here change over time.

What are your offerings?

You can contact me for Speaking Engagements, and organizational transformation journeys.

Who might find your offerings useful?

If your team, community, or organization is on the cusp of transformation, you will find my offerings useful. Transformation, however, is not a project with a deadline; it is a journey to be undertaken thoughtfully, and with adequate preparation. See me as your journey guide and facilitator. The journey is yours. I show you the guideposts, provide the compasses, nudge you, and help you clear the undergrowth.

Do you offer courses, coaching, or workshops?

Yes, I do. My offerings are available both face to face and online. Get in touch with me.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently writing my book which I have tentatively titled, Reimagining the Pluriverse: A World where Many Worlds Fit. During this time, I will be doing mostly what I always do. Research, reflect, write, hold dialogues with people, speak at conferences, and on panels and podcasts.

How do I get you to come speak at my organization, university, or conference?

Get in touch with me: whether it is to be a panelist, to do a session, to be interviewed on your podcast, or speak with your community.

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Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India