writer. speaker. facilitator. catalyst.
Journey so far...
A Coach, Facilitator, Learning Architect, and Instructional Designer, I worked at the intersection of human potential, technology, organizational purpose, and systems thinking. After spending two decades in various multinationals, I was convinced that organizations could be much more than what they were destined to be trapped in the economic monomyth of endless profit and infinite growth.
I left the corporate world in 2016 to embark on a journey of 'solopreneurship', and to discover the raison d'être of organizations, the meaning of leadership, and what it meant to be in integrity and on purpose when doing my work. I started a boutique solo-firm called Proteeti, a Sanskrit word meaning "wisdom that transforms" to keep me rooted.
This journey led me on an exciting path of regeneration, evolutionary purpose, and visions of life-affirming organizations. The further I travelled, I unpeeled layers of possibilities taking me from regeneration to decolonization and to the emergence of pluriversal futures.
Today, as we stand on the cusp of planetary collapse and a Civilizational Transition--the Great Turning, I bring together my learnings, unlearnings, meanderings, and experiences of the past decade in service to Life.
Organizations of the future will be profoundly different from the past. The old paradigms no longer work. In these liminal times between collapse and creation lie untapped possibilities and potentials for laying the foundations for regenerative, healing organizations. I call them Wayfinders.
They will lay the foundations for Next Stage Organizations, become containers for building the capacities needed to be Regenerative, and build the Facilitative Leadership required to enable the crossing of thresholds. These organizations will be microcosms of the world we wish to inhabit, inherit, and bequeath. The journey of transformation will not be easy; but it will be exhilarating.
This is my Work; these are my offerings. This long journey of almost a decade helped me to crystallize my approach and methodology, which I call Futures Sensing. This comprise four Compasses of Transformation as well as Foundational Practices and Tools and Methods.

The Four Compasses
The four compasses will guide you towards reimagining beyond the hegemonic monomyth.
The foundational practices are core capacities necessary to use the compasses effectively.

Foundational Practices
Tools and
These are some of the supporting tools and methods on which this Journey is predicated.
If you believe your organization is ready to embark on this journey of transformation, connect with me. Let's talk. Let's explore the possibilities.
If you feel trapped in leadership paradigms that are obviously obsolete, that feels out of integrity, get in touch. Let's together reclaim the true meaning of leadership.
If you feel the dissonances and contradictions of the current narrative, and know in your heart that a much more beautiful world awaits, I'd love to connect. Let's build our tribe.
What I do

Frequently Asked Questions
What are your offerings?
You can contact me for Speaking Engagements, and organizational transformation journeys.
Who might find your offerings useful?
If your team, community, or organization is on the cusp of transformation, you will find my offerings useful. Transformation, however, is not a project with a deadline; it is a journey to be undertaken thoughtfully, and with adequate preparation. See me as your journey guide and facilitator. The journey is yours. I show you the guideposts, provide the compasses, nudge you, and help you clear the undergrowth.
Do you offer courses, coaching, or workshops?
Yes, I do. My offerings are available both face to face and online. Get in touch with me.
What are you currently working on?
I am currently writing my book which I have tentatively titled, Reimagining the Pluriverse: A World where Many Worlds Fit. During this time, I will be doing mostly what I always do. Research, reflect, write, hold dialogues with people, speak at conferences, and on panels and podcasts.
How do I get you to come speak at my organization, university, or conference?
Get in touch with me: whether it is to be a panelist, to do a session, to be interviewed on your podcast, or speak with your community.
Forthcoming book:
Reimagining Pluriversal Futures
Get in touch

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Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India