In the Liminal Space

What I didn’t anticipate, when I set out on my liminal quest, is that the greatest value in the experience would have nothing to do with the butterfly life on the other side, but everything to do with liminality itself. In other words, liminality is THE WHOLE POINT. Liminality isn’t just the process, it’s the new destination. I wasn’t preparing myself for an end point, I was becoming more liminal. ~Heather Plett

“Liminal space is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways. It is where we are betwixt and between. We usually enter liminal space when our former way of being is challenged or changed. It is a graced time, but often does not feel ‘graced’ in any way. In such space, we are not certain or in control.” ~Richard Rohr

We are in a liminal space between stories. One world is dying, and the other is painfully being born. The dying world, predicated on an economic monomyth of infinite growth, has served a handful while decimating the planet. This world is collapsing. This hegemony is not only imploding but also devouring its own in the process. From this churning crucible of collapse and chaos are rising myriad possible futures. However, a world is not something out there that we objectively live in. World-building is a subjective and embodied act of co-creation and participation that we live into.

This limina space between stories is full of possibilities and potentials inviting us to reimagine pluriversal worlds that work for all. This is a journey of shifting paradigms and transformation of mindsets and heart-sets. It cannot be undertaken like a well-defined project with known goals and set timelines. This journey requires staying with and in the liminal space, befriending uncertainty, and recognizing our profound interconnectedness. From these foundational principles will arise narratives and values that are essentially life-affirming.

stay with questions

The present culture applauds 'solutionism' and speed. This may give an illusion of efficiency but merely exacerbates the underlying challenges. Holding space for questions without striving to arrive at one answer, one truth is fundamental to being in liminality. Answers shut off other possibilities and provide false hope; questions widen our expansive capacities allowing space for emergence.

The questions we ask are the foundations for the futures we co-create and design.
~How would you nurture and nourish the seeds of possible futures?
~What does it mean to live fully alive and on purpose?
~Who are you when you stop doing?
~What does 'living divided no more' mean to you?

Pick any one of the questions from above and journal for five minutes without overthinking or trying to find solutions and answers. Write whatever flows through you. Become a channel for what arises within.

Focus on what the question makes you feel; what arises within you; what associations are triggered; how does it feel in your body.

befriend uncertainty

The human mind abhors a vacuum. We strive to 'know', to predict, to be certain. The old narrative

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slow down

The present culture applauds 'solutionism' and speed. This may give an illusion of efficiency but merely exacerbates the underlying challenges. Holding space for questions without striving to arrive at one answer, one truth is fundamental to being in liminality. Answers shut off other possibilities and provide false hope; questions widen our expansive capacities allowing space for emergence. The questions we ask are the foundations for the futures we co-create and design.

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embrace emergence

The present culture applauds 'solutionism' and speed. This may give an illusion of efficiency but merely exacerbates the underlying challenges. Holding space for questions without striving to arrive at one answer, one truth is fundamental to being in liminality. Answers shut off other possibilities and provide false hope; questions widen our expansive capacities allowing space for emergence. The questions we ask are the foundations for the futures we co-create and design.

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Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India