Is this Journey for You?

"The map to a new world is in the imagination."
~Robin D. G. Kelley
Deconstructing the Hegemony
The hegemonic world order has become entropic, unable to adapt, adjust, and address the polycrisis. Its decay and decrepitude visible and palpable. Our global civilization has been hijacked and held hostage by an obsolete narrative that has reduced it to polarized fragments. Even with collapse-awareness, one cannot steer toward regeneration from within a hegemonic order.
However, if we care to look, we can sense a pluralistic global community that is aborning. Slowly but surely, myriad voices are rising, connecting, and coalescing across countries and continents. They are harbingers of a very different world-building predicated on relationality, nonduality, and democratic participation.
This reconstitution of our civilizational trajectory goes beyond the unipolar or the multipolar, or even the multilateral arrangements favored in the global geopolitical arena. This is a paradigm shift woven out of many cosmologies, epistemologies, and ontologies.
They represent a pluriversal world where many worlds fit--a civilizational trajectory that eschews hegemony, conformity, standardization, mechanization, and a narrow totalitarian truth.
This is a parallel movement beyond geopolitics and nation-states rising from and through the voices and visions of people. A portal toward different futures is opening up; the preparation for it is underway. An era of changes is giving way to a Change of Era.
The exercise of imagination is dangerous to those who profit from the way things are because it has the power to show that the way things are is not permanent, not universal, not necessary. ~Ursula Le Guin
Reclaiming Our Imagination
Imagination is profoundly counter-hegemonic. Therefore, this innately human capacity has been deliberately suppressed by hegemonic forces through the ages. The hegemony abhors and fears artists, poets, writers, and creators of all kinds. To unravel the hegemony requires us to reclaim our imagination, our vision of alternative futures.
The narratives arising from the cracks and crevices offer an invitation to reclaim our powers of radical imagination. This Journey is an invitation to reclaim our Imagination and our Imaginaries of desirable and feasible futures, to become visionaries and narrative-builders.
The Pluriverse is one such imaginary that beckons us to co-create 'a world that works for all'--one that rejects the hubris of anthropocentrism, the vacuity of mindless consumerism, and the fallacy of infinite growth. It is an invitation to become Earthzens.
Who are Earthzens?
As cultures, civilizations, narratives, and cosmologies intersect and interweave, a rich and resilient tapestry of life is forming, laying the foundations of a Life-Affirming Civilization.
From the debris of this collapse, new shoots are rising. These shoots appear in many shapes and forms, and often fly under the radar. The imaginaries of Pluriversal Futures invite us to step forth as Earthzens in acknowledgement of our indelible interconnectedness. It is a process of collective world-building that goes beyond geopolitical constraints and multipolar power differentials.
We are all Earthzens till the narrative of Separation seeps into our consciousness and permeates every aspect of our lives. Becoming Earthzens is about reclaiming our true nature, and restoring the profound relationship of our body politic with the Earth body. It means:
To sense a world beyond anthropocentrism
To believe in our entangled interconnectedness
To be imaginal cells of planetary healing
To be vision holders and narrative builders of possible futures
To know that regenerative futures is predicated on pluriversality
This Journey offers a few Foundational Principles, Concepts, Tools, and Frameworks to act as compasses as you navigate uncharted territories and rough terrain.

The Signposts
This Futures Sensing Journey attempts to unravel and deconstruct existing hegemonies, and invites you to reimagine very different possible futures. It is a call to action to become planetary stewards, radical imagineers, and vision holders of regenerative futures.
The Modules below are signposts on this journey of crossing the threshold. They are compasses for:
Decolonizing Our Imaginaries: This module focuses on unravelling the hegemonic narrative, and lays the foundations for a world that works for all.
Reactivating Exiled Capacities: Many of our innate human capacities have been deliberately delegitimized by a hegemonic, mechanical, and consumerist world order. This module is an invitation to rebuild our capacities.
Designing Regenerative Organizations: Organizations are in the midst of turmoil as they face resource depletion, the onslaught of artificial intelligence, and more. To be a regenerative organization is not another marketing gimmick but a survival need. This module focuses on the principles and practices of regenerative organizations predicated on pluriversality.
Developing Facilitative Leadership: The world today is facing a crisis of leadership. This module explores the true meaning of leadership—one who facilitates the crossing of thresholds.
As we stand on the brink of a Change of Era, the world needs facilitative leaders and stewards who will enable this crossing over.
A Call to Action
The journey lies at the intersection of decolonization, unraveling of the hegemony, and a reimagining of pluriversal worlds. It is firmly situated within this context, and rejects the notion of a context-less, modern, and mechanical world where everyone is invited and yet no one feels included. The journey recognizes and acknowledges the specificities and contextualities of experiences, of narratives, and of the many ontologies and epistemologies that constitute our world.
The journey does not propose to lead you to one single Truth or offer a universal Solution. It is a very clear rejection of the dangers of totalitarian narratives and hegemonic monomyths. Instead, it asks you to stay in the cracks, peer into the crevices, and inhabit the discomfort of liminality. It is a beckoning to listen to the unheard, unseen, unacknowledged voices, those whispers rising from wounded lands that have always existed in the shadowy peripheries.
It is an invitation to sense the world--not as a homogenous and fixed whole but as an interwoven and interconnected web of life--conscious, self-organizing, autopoietic, evolving, emergent.
You may be calling yourself any of these: Futurist, Decolonial Possibilist, Change Maker, Regeneration Partner, and Futures Literacy Designer, Imagineer. Welcome to the Journey.
The Journey is for You
If you sense the brokenness of a wounded planet and the vacuity of success within this narrative
If you believe that our redemption and rejuvenation lie in our abundant and entangled diversity
If you are willing to sit with edgy provocations and questions without seeking solutions
If you know/sense that there is more to life than mindless productivity and efficiency
If you can grieve the loss and still hold hope and dare to imagine possible futures
If you know that a single narrative and worldview can never be the purveyor of this emergent and evolving pluriverse
If you are willing to listen to other worlds outside your own, stay with paradoxes, be in liminality
If you believe in universal humanism beyond manmade borders and boundaries
If you know in your heart that our global civilization has the capacity to collaborate and co-create worlds of great beauty
If you believe we are participants and co-creators of our civilizational trajectory

How do we reinvent the sacred and a sense of our own deep worth, and reinvest it at the core of new civilizational orders?
How do we hold space for what is wanting to be born?
What does unshackling from the dangers of a single story look like?
How do we inhabit this liminal space between stories?
How do we transcend from binaries and dichotomies to wholeness and integration?
What is our collective vision of Pluriversal Futures?
What does a Pluriverse mean to you?

You can access an introduction to the first Module here.
The complete set of Modules are coming soon.
Once you buy a Module, you will receive
downloadable links with the module content.
Click each tab for an introduction.
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To buy a single module

Forthcoming book:
Reimagining Pluriversal Worlds
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Maharashtra, India