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From the Edges

the unheard and unseen voices

Global South is not a geographical location but a metaphorical identity
that enfolds the unseen and the unheard, the disowned and
the disavowed, the delegitimized, invisibilized, and demonized billions.

This Change of Era heralds the coming of a pluriversal world. The dangers of a single story have become abundantly evident; it is time to to replace this Eurocentric monomyth with the multitudes of stories arising from the edges and margins.

These stories are not to be found in documents and archives. They arise from the crucibles of myriad cultures and contexts; they are embodiments of lived experiences, of generational wisdom, of relationships with the land, the sea, the mountains, and more-than-humans. And as they intersect and interweave, a pluriversal world where many worlds coexist is being painfully but irreversibly born.

This shift will be as profound as the Agricultural Revolution or the Industrial Revolution. It is already shifting our collective imaginaries and expanding our realm of possibilities beyond the matrix / cage of the hegemony. The synergy of myriad cosmologies, ontologies, and epistemologies will lead to the emergence of systems of greater complexity, elegance, and resilience.

Let us slow down and listen to the unheard, unnoticed, unappreciated voices and narratives signaling to us from the peripheries, from the edges of “'civilization'. Voices and stories that have for centuries been marginalized, demonized, invisibilized — the oppressed, brutalized, and systematically persecuted voices of the human and the more-than-human.

Global South exists in the peripheries and margins everywhere. We become aware of them in movements like Black Lives Matter, Farmers' Protest in India, Students Encampments across universities in the USA, and diverse movements of dissidence and resistance that fly under the radar, are never reported, often brutally quelled. They are in the 'sacrificial zones,' in the refugee camps, in the blue boats traversing the ocean in search of a safe haven the hegemony has deprived them of.

They are the billions standing up against the hegemonic cabal. They are the original inhabitants, the displaced and the dispossessed. Their land is expropriated in the name of development, their waters polluted for growth, and their sky poisoned for profit. The polycrisis, imminent planetary collapse, the silent steps of the Sixth Mass Extinction refuse to go away. They are all Global South--the unheard, unseen, unacknowledged and delegitimized voices. Now, they are bursting forth through the cracks.

This shift has always been evident in the edges and corners, and are now entering the center, the metropole. The hegemonic powers are lashing out in fury and futility. But the shift is inevitable. It becomes imperative to be able to nurture and nourish the emerging new stories. And to collectively build our capacities for radical imagination, community building, and collective sensing.

In that sense, to describe and inhabit a pluriverse requires not so much a worldview but a world-sense. It requires an understanding of our entangled lives on this sentient planet. It is predicated on the wondrous concept of Interbeing as propounded by Thich Nhat Hanh.

When the Edges Move

As we traverse this liminal space between stories, the journey requires thoughtful preparation. The path is neither easy nor well-laid. It is a path to be made by walking. The risks are many. The rewards are great.

Should you wish to undertake this pilgrimage, I offer some tools, guidelines, and frameworks. If you or your organization(s) wish to become future ready, build capacities for just transitions toward regenerative futures, or begin a journey of transformation, get in touch.

In the Liminal Space

Those who step into this liminal space will need a set of skills, tools, and capacities as compasses on this Path of Transition.
Questions are our compasses.
Radical Imagination our guide.
Collective Imaginaries our blueprint.

  1. What is the essence of a world that contains multitudes of narratives — a world where many worlds fit?

  2. How can we collectively build the capacities for radical imagination and fearless imaginaries?

  3. What are the founding principles and values of a Pluriverse?

An example of a hegemonic chain of extraction, expropriation, and exploitation in the name of development and green energy.

You can access an introduction to the first Module here.

The complete Modules are coming soon.
Once you buy a Module, you will receive
downloadable links with the module content.
Click each tab for an introduction.

To buy multiple modules
To buy a single module

Forthcoming book:
Reimagining Pluriversal Worlds

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Navi Mumbai,
Maharashtra, India